Skin Lightening & Whitening

Skin Lightening & Whitening

Skin lightening, also known as skin bleaching is a medical cosmetic procedure that aims to increase the lightening of the skin by targeting specific dark areas. This procedure focuses upon helping people achieve a more paler skin tone.

07 Sep 2020 / by Vardaan

Skin lightening, also known as skin bleaching is a medical cosmetic procedure that aims to increase the lightening of the skin by targeting specific dark areas. This procedure focuses upon helping people achieve a more paler skin tone.

Usually used for improving the appearance of blemishes or birthmarks, medically known as melasma, there are various methods of undergoing this procedure.

How does it work?

Skin lightening procedure usually works by reducing the production of melanin (a pigment that helps skin get it’s colour and protect it from the harmful rays of the sun) in the skin or by reducing it’s concentration in the skin.

This procedure can be done using two methods namely-

  1. Skin lightening creams
  2. Laser treatment

How to decide whether it’s suitable for you?

It is always best to take advice from your doctor before taking of decision about any kind of medical treatment. Dr. Jyoti Sharma, best skin doctor in Delhi, at Vardaan Clinic, believes in giving the best advice about such medical procedures. She will analyse your skin texture and then tell you what procedure will be best for you.

Skin lightening treatment can be expensive, time consuming and sometimes results might not be as expected, it’s a good idea to discuss it with Dr. Jyoti before deciding on the same.

Methods and their effects

  1. Skin lightening creams

If you are hesitant on undergoing a medical procedure, then skin-lightening creams might be the best approach for you. Such creams are usually available only with a prescription and contain-

  • Hydroquinone
  • Hydrocortisone (steroid medicine)

However, there are many such creams which can be available to you without a prescription but it is never advisable to use such creams without taking an opinion of the doctor.

Always use such creams as per the directions of your doctor. However, generally acceptable directions of applying such creams are-

  • Use a certain amount on the dark spots of your skin, once or twice a day
  • Avoid applying the cream around sensitive parts of your skin such as eyes, mouth, or nose.
  • Avoid touching the area where you apply the cream
  • Protect your skin from sun as much as possible and avoid any direct contact with the sun.
  • Discontinue, if any side-effects such as allergy, redness, itching is observed.

There are certain risks associated with skin-lightening creams and that’s why it is advisable to only use such creams upon prescription. Such risks include-

  • Thinning of the skin
  • Skin turning too dark or light
  • Scarring
  • Liver, nerve or kidney damage, etc.


  1. Laser procedure for skin lightening

This is procedure which involves either removing the outer layer of your skin containing dark patches or damaging the melanin producing cells.

However, such procedures can only work for some people and can be temporary.

Before actually starting the procedure, your doctor might want to test whether your skin will react soundly to this treatment by performing it on a small patch of your skin. If the doctor is satisfied that your skin reacts fine to the procedure, that’s when a complete session is scheduled.

Each session can take up to 30 minutes. After the session is over, you need to be really protective of your skin for a few days and it can take a while to start showing the results.

It is common to experience redness and swelling on the skin which will heal in a few days.

Anyhow, there are always some side-effects associated with such procedures and it can involve-

  • Redness and swelling
  • Scarring
  • Bruising
  • Blistering


In conclusion,

Such procedures can sometimes be satisfying and sometimes not. In any scenario, if you are not satisfied with the results, always contact your doctor who performed the procedure.

At Vardaan Clinic, we provide the best skin pigmentation treatment in Delhi.



Skin Tightening

As our skin starts ageing, the signs of such ageing become pretty visible because of sagging which is a result of lost elasticity of our skin. Skin sagging is considered a natural process which is irreversible but it is possible to reduce or delay it with medical treatments and procedures.

There are certain non-surgical skin tightening procedures which as per studies work same as the surgical ones containing lesser risks. They are cosmetic treatments performed on your face and stomach to make them appear youthful for longer duration.

Causes of skin sagging

There are various reasons other than ageing which can lead to skin sagging. They involve-

  1. Pollution
  2. Stress
  3. Movements made by your face muscles
  4. Pregnancy
  5. Weight Loss, etc.

Types of skin-tightening procedures

When you are young, your skin is rich in collagen and elastin which are responsible for giving your skin the natural elasticity and structure. But as you start to age, the production of these proteins is reduced in your skin thereby leading it to lose it’s elasticity.

There are various procedures for getting rid of sagged skin, which include

  1. Radiofrequency

Also known as Thermalift, Thermage, and Exilis, these are the kind of procedures which are subcategorised under radiofrequency and follow different techniques of skin tightening.

In thermalift, it involves the procedure of waking up or restoring the lost collagen. This procedure involves the use of a device that applies controlled radio waves to your skin that you want to tighten. This procedure doesn’t require any recovery time and can be done without anaesthesia.

No matter which method you opt for, it is usually seen that it can take up to several months and multiple sessions to start seeing the results.

  1. High intensity focused ultra sound (HIFU)

A non-invasive and painless alternative to facelift procedures, this is a considered a better cosmetic procedure for skin tightening.

This procedure uses ultrasound to encourage the production of collagen in your skin thereby leading to a firmer and smoother skin. It targets the layers of the skin just below the surface. The ultrasound heats up the tissue which once reaching a certain temperature damages the cells. The said damage then encourages the production of collagen which leads to a tighter skin with fewer wrinkles and fine lines.


  • Wrinkle reduction
  • Tightening of sagged skin
  • Lifting of cheekbones
  • Smoothing of the skin
  • Jawline enhancement

During the procedure, you might feel sort of electric pulses in your skin and after the procedure, you may experience slight redness and swelling which will heal after some time.

It is a safe, non-invasive treatment much better than facelifts and most people can see the results within 3 months of the treatment. It is best suited for patients having moderate or mild skin elasticity issues.


In conclusion,

Whether you decide to go for surgical or non-surgical methods of skin tightening, always consult your doctor for ensuring what will suit your skin the best. At Vardaan clinic, you can count on getting the best skin pigmentation treatment in Delhi.

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